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Tufts University Faculty Senate Standing Committees

The Tufts University Faculty Senate has established seven standing committees to deal with various university matters, including the Executive Committee. The seven committees, their responsibilities, and their members are as follows:

1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee comprises the officers of the Senate, and consists of the Senate President, the Senate Vice President, and the Senate. They are elected annually for terms of one (1) year each by the voting Senate representatives at its first meeting of the academic year. Subject to subsection 2 of Article 5, the Senate representative receiving the highest number of votes for a particular office shall serve in that office. The Senate President will represent the Senate in its relations with the Board of Trustees, President, Provost, and administration of the University. The committee is charged with appointing members of the Faculty Senate, and attending to other responsibilities such as presiding at meetings and the recording of Senate business.

  1. Senate President: Fair Vassoler – Cummings
  2. Senate Vice President: J.P. de Ruiter – Engineering
  3. Senate Secretary: Elena Naumova – Friedman
  4. Member-at-Large: Larry Feig – GSBS
  5. Member-at-Large: David J. Proctor– Arts & Sciences

Executive Committee Materials

2. Committee on Nominations:

The Committee on Nominations is charged with nominating faculty for appointment to University-wide committees, task forces, working groups, and Trustee committees that have faculty representation, as well as search committees for the hiring of the University President, Provost and School Deans. In addition, the Committee on Nominations is empowered to appoint faculty to fill out-of-cycle vacancies in the aforementioned committees. By nominating qualified candidates for these positions, the Committee on Nominations contributes to the shared governance of Tufts University.

  1. Co-Chairs: Luis Dorfman and David Proctor
  2. J.P. de Ruiter - Engineering
  3. Luis Dorfman - Engineering
  4. Elena Naumova - Friedman
  5. David J. Proctor - Arts & Sciences

Nominations Committee Materials

3. Committee on Faculty Affairs:

The Committee on Faculty Affairs is charged with those matters which pertain to the responsibilities, rights, privileges, opportunities, and welfare of the Faculty, collectively and as individuals. Such items as professional development, academic freedom, tenure policies, academic performance standards, grievances, insurance and health programs are topics which fall within the area of responsibility of the Committee on Faculty Affairs. This Committee is pro-active in its initiatives as well as responsive to the specific concerns voiced by its constituency.

  1. Co-Chairs: Tamirace Fakhoury and Aikaterini Papathanasiou
  2. Tamirace Fakhoury - Fletcher
  3. Fulton Gonzalez - Arts & Sciences
  4. David Logan - Fletcher
  5. Michael Malamy - Medicine
  6. Joe Litvak - Arts & Sciences
  7. Aikaterini Papathanasiou - Dental Medicine

Faculty Affairs Committee Materials

4. Committee on Budget Planning and Development:

The Committee on Budget Planning and Development is charged with reviewing those matters which pertain to University-wide annual budget priorities, resource allocation policies, and University operations, while respecting the school-based budgetary model, and to discern whether they are aligned with institutional objectives, academic values and Faculty interests. The Committee on Budget Planning and Development also reviews all new major proposals and policy initiatives and provides a periodic review of University operations.

  1. Co-Chairs: Timothy Atherton and Yongjie Yang
  2. Timothy Atherton - Arts & Sciences
  3. Ian Johnstone - Fletcher
  4. Karen Kosinski - Arts & Sciences
  5. Ali Muftu - Dental Medicine
  6. Neha Sharma - Medicine
  7. Yongjie Yang - GSBS

Budget Planning and Development Committee Materials

5. Committee on Research and Scholarship:

The Committee on Research and Scholarship is charged with those matters that promote and support research and scholarship throughout the University including activities that enhance both interactions between schools and administrative support for research. The Committee is pro-active in identifying problems in conducting research and in suggesting solutions to the Administration. The Committee will review and recommend changes in University policies that affect the University’s research infrastructure and discern whether they are aligned with the research and scholarship priorities of the University. The Committee will review the creation of all new research centers that foster cross school collaboration.

  1. Chair: Larry Feig
  2. Larry Feig - GSBS
  3. Lawrence Hotes - Medicine
  4. Krishna Kumar - Arts & Sciences
  5. Liana Wooten - Medicine
  6. Hyunmin Yi - Engineering

Research and Scholarship Committee Materials

6. Committee on Educational Affairs and Policy:

The Committee on Educational Affairs and Policy is charged with those matters that promote and support excellence in education throughout the University. This includes activities and policies that promote excellence in teaching, learning, and the development and application of educational technologies. The Committee will review proposals to create new schools, campuses, inter-School degree programs, joint programs with other institutions and reorganizations that affect the University’s educational mission. It may also bring opportunities for such innovations to the Administration’s attention. The Committee also advises the Administration on issues related to building an intellectual community that promotes a constructive exchange of views and fosters an inclusive campus climate.

  1. Co-Chairs: Mary Anna Labato and Laura Corlin
  2. Jennifer Coates - Friedman
  3. Laura Corlin - Medicine
  4. Mary Anna Labato - Cummings
  5. Holly Taylor - Arts & Sciences
  6. Gene White - Cummings

Educational Affairs and Policy Committee Materials

7. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee (formed in 2020-21):

The Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion provides a voice for the faculty in contributing to the goal of transforming Tufts into an institution free of racism, misogyny, and gender bias.

  1. Chair: Erin Hennessy
  2. Silvia Bottinelli - Arts & Sciences
  3. Erin Hennessy - Friedman
  4. Kimberly Theidon - Fletcher
  5. Vasiliki Tsakelelli - Dental Medicine

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee Materials