Motion from the Committee on Educational Affairs and Policy
Saturday, May, 2nd, 2020 Resolutions
Motion from the Committee on Educational Affairs and Policy
Passed 2 May, 2020
The Committee on Educational Affairs and Policy moves:
Whereas the Covid-19 pandemic has imposed unusual conditions on the University and necessitates major changes in our operation;
And, whereas, we foresee that the pandemic will require new modalities to deliver the existing curriculum in a manner that insures a successful, high quality educational experience, both for our students and faculty;
And, whereas, the University Faculty Senate represents the faculty of all Schools of the University;
And, whereas the faculty is responsible for providing the educational content of the University;
Therefore, the Senate welcomes the invitation to place University senators (or faculty) on the committees responding to Covid-19: Integrated Planning Committee and Institutional Program Review and Priorities Committee, and any other committees created in response to the pandemic.
And, therefore, the Senate affirms its commitment to work in close partnership with the Senior Administration, to ensure clarity of expectations as the University proceeds
to transition temporarily from traditional teaching to remote teaching, as necessary.
And, therefore, the Senate pledges to work with the Administration to overcome the challenges of providing equipment-based courses, and overcoming possible disparities in access to resources faced by our students and faculty.